Little Tigers – Jo Weaver

   Little Tigers – Jo Weaver, Peachtree Press, 9781682631102, 2019

Format: Paperback (ARC), Hardcover available March, 2020

Rating:  1-5 (5 is an excellent or a Starred review) 5+

Genre: Picture Book

 What did you like about the book? This is a beautifully illustrated picture book about a serious subject–the threat to Bengal tigers. In this story we see a mother Bengal tiger with her two cubs Puli and Sera. The three tigers were waking up to the morning sun when the mother tiger told them that they are not safe and will need to find a new home. The previous night she heard hunters and their dogs on the jungle paths near their home. Both Puli and Sera have some ideas on where they can go so the three tigers set out on a search to find their new home. They try several places, but nothing seems just right for the mama and her cubs–behind a waterfall is too wet, the branches of a tree are too tall, a cave has too many bugs, and a hollowed out log hides a danger to the tigers. Eventually, they find the perfect home just as the sun sets in the jungle sky. Another fun part about this book is that, in their attempts to find a home, we see what places are homes to other jungle animals. The illustrations are absolutely stunning and show the beauty of the jungle.

 Anything you did not like about the book. Nothing

To whom would you recommend this book? Perfect for children between the ages of three and five. I would recommend this book to children who enjoy seeing animals in their natural surroundings, especially jungle animals. The drawings are more realistic, not cartoonish, so I would keep that in mind when selecting this for a young child.

Who should buy this book? Public libraries, preschools, daycare centers, anyone that works with children between the ages of three and five.

Where would you shelve it? Picture books

 Should we (librarians) put this on the top of our “to read” piles? Yes

 Reviewer’s Name, Library (or school), City: Kristin Guay, former youth services librarian.

Date of review: November 19, 2019


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