Goodnight Mr. Clutterbuck – Mauri Kunnas

  Goodnight Mr. Clutterbuck – Mauri Kunnas, translated from the Finnish by Jill Timbers, elsewhere editions, (9780914671763), 2017

Format: Paperback picture book

Rating: 1-5 (5 is an excellent or a Starred review) 4

What did you like about the book? Mr. Clutterbuck, a goat, lives with his little friend Gus, a Guinea Pig. Mr. Clutterbuck is unaware that he is very active while sleeping; he rides in grocery carts causing huge crashes and chaos to others on vehicles. The next night he sleepwalks into a warehouse filled with sausages followed by a huge pack of dogs. He continues to have adventure after adventure totally unknown to him –but accompanied by the faithful Gus. Though Mr. Clutterbuck ‘s nighttime rambles bring about heroic changes, the townspeople finally gift him with a treadmill! This is a very fun story that kids will love. The exploits of Mr. Clutterbuck are finely and intricately detailed in the wonderful illustrations by Mauri Kunnas.

Anything you did not like about this book? Not a thing.

To whom would you recommend this book? Children (and adults) who like Sven Nordqvist and Marianne Dubuc should be delighted by this story.

Who should buy this book? Public libraries

Where would you shelve it? Picture books

Should we (librarians) put this on the top of our “to read” piles? Not quite.

Reviewer’s Name, Library (or school), City: Katrina Yurenka, Moderator, Youth Services Book Review

Date of review: 6/18/2017

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