Escaping Mr. Rochester by L. L. McKinney

Escaping Mr. Rochester by L. L. McKinney.  HarperTeen, 2024. 9780062986269 

Rating: 1-5 (5 is an excellent or a Starred review) 5

Format: Hardcover

Genre: Historical/ Romance/ Mystery/ LGBTQIA

What did you like about the book? Jane Eyre is a 19-year-old orphan living at Lowood school when she becomes governess to Adele, Edward Rochester’s ward, living at Thornfield Hall.  She develops an immediate rapport with the lonely Adele and with the cook, Emma.  Mr. Rochester is decidedly erratic, angry at one moment, ingratiating at another and mostly aloof, spending most of his time in his study.  Sometimes he appears to be courting her!  Once trust is gained, Adele takes Jane up to the attic where Rochester hid his wife, Bertha, away as soon as they arrived at Thornfield Hall a year previous.  Jane is appalled and angry, becoming determined to rescue Bertha from her imprisonment.  She learns of the plots Rochester has constructed to steal money from others in order to pay off his gambling debts.

The pace is quick and tense, particularly in the last quarter of the book.  It is impossible not to become immersed in the story though the time period is never stated.  Jane, Bertha and Adele are Black; others are not clearly defined as to color.

Anything you did not like about the book? No, however, I was perplexed as to what happened to Jane’s friend, Helen.

To whom would you recommend this book? Those who like re-tellings of classics such as Jane Eyre will decidedly appreciate this one. I think fans of Bridgerton might also enjoy the time period.

Who should buy this book? Public and high school libraries

Where would you shelve it? YA fiction

Should we (librarians) put this on the top of our “to read” piles? Yes.

Reviewer’s Name, Library (or school), City: Katrina Yurenka, Retired Librarian, Contributor, Youth Services Book Review

Date of Review:  April 25, 2024

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