The Other Side of the River by Alda P. Dobbs

The Other Side of the River by Alda P. Dobbs. Sourcebooks Young Readers, 2022. 9781728238449

Rating: 1-5 (5 is an excellent or starred review) 5

Format: Paperback ARC

Genre: Historical fiction

What did you like about the book? Petra Luna, her Abuelita, and two younger siblings are safely in America, but their troubles are far from over. The family must navigate hunger, homelessness, and other difficulties as they make their way in this new land. Petra is determined and resourceful and diligently seeks out work every way that she can. The family moves to San Antonio where Aubelita and young Amelia shell pecans for money and Petra works first in a chili restaurant and then for a church. She finds allies along the way and learns to prioritize friendship and loyalty above all else. Life in America is not perfect, however. Petra still longs for her Papa, fighting with the Federales back in Mexico. After a horrible encounter with some upper class Mexican people, Petra also discovers that the discrimination she has faced her whole life for being mestizos and indios is not over. However, she never lets go of her big dreams of learning to read and write, and in this sequel those dreams begin to come true thanks to a new friend, an Irish nun whose immigration story is similar to that of Petra’s despite their different origins.

I absolutely loved Barefoot Dreams of Petra Luna so I was thrilled to get to read the sequel in advance of the publication date. This book about Petra’s adventures and experiences on the other side of the border did not disappoint. It reads quickly and is well paced with plenty of action. Petra Luna is one of my favorite protagonists in middle grade fiction; she is fiery and single-minded when it comes to protecting her family and pursuing her dreams. This is an inspirational novel. Must purchase.

Anything you did not like about the book? No. It was perfect and the author’s note at the end detailing how her family’s experience was similar and different from Petra’s was very interesting.

To whom would you recommend this book? Anyone who read Barefoot Dreams of Petra Luna must read this book!

Who should buy this book? All elementary and middle school libraries, as well as public libraries.

Where would you shelve it? Historical fiction

Should we (librarians) put this on the top of our “to read” piles? Yes!

Reviewer’s Name, Library (or school), City: Laura Gardner, Dartmouth Middle School, Dartmouth, MA

Date of review: April 13, 2022

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