You and Me and the Wishing Tree by Nancy Tillman

610ebpfycrl     You and Me and the Wishing Tree by Nancy Tillman, Feiwel and Friends (MacMillan), 9781250056290, 2016

Format: Hardcover

Rating: (1-5 5 is a starred review) 4

Genre:  Picture book

What did you like about the book? This is a book about imagination with fantastic drawings that express the wish of a little boy who discovers a wishing tree outside his window with his father . He has one exciting experience after another and at the end, when he is so tired and has to be carried off to bed, he asks his father what his wish was. The father’s answer was his wish was to just be with his son.  As the message on the back cover says, Nancy Tillman’s mission is to create books that convey to children that they are loved and this is the message that comes through loud and clear in this book.

Anything you didn’t like about it? I liked everything about this book.

To Whom Would You Recommend this book? This would work as a bedtime story for a young toddler, ages 2-4. Anyone who likes Nancy Tillman’s book, On the Night You Were Born, will like this book.

Who should buy this book? all libraries

Where would you shelve it ? Children’s Books

Should we (librarians/readers) put this on the top of our “to read” piles?  yes

Reviewer’s Name, Library (or school), City and State: Sandra Pacheco, ESL teacher, Washington, D.C.

Date of review: Nov. 3, 2016

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