A Best Friend for Bear by Petr Horáček

A Best Friend for Bear by Petr Horáček. Candlewick Press, c2022, 2024. 9781536233995

Rating: 1-5 (5 is an excellent or a Starred review) 3

Format: Hardcover Picture book

What did you like about the book? Black Bear is looking for a best friend – but where to look?  When he runs into Brown Bear, the two decide to help each other look.  They realize it is not easy, but it is exciting.  As they travel through woods and meadows they decide to take a break by playing hide-and-seek hoping that will help them find a friend.  Of course, ultimately, they realize they have found a best friend – each other!  Mixed media artwork provides a lot of deep colors with dark greens and blues, appearing almost as if done by a child.

Anything you did not like about the book? No.

To whom would you recommend this book? This one would work well in a themed storytime about friendship.

Who should buy this book? Public libraries and Day-care centers

Where would you shelve it? Picture books

Should we (librarians) put this on the top of our “to read” piles? No.

Reviewer’s Name, Library (or school), City: Katrina Yurenka, Retired Librarian, Contributor, Youth Services Book Review

Date of Review:  June 25, 2024

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