How to Teach Grown-Ups About Climate Change by Patricia Daniels; illustrated by Aaron Blecha

How to Teach Grown-Ups About Climate Change: The Cutting-Edge Science of our Changing Planet by Patricia Daniels; illustrated by Aaron Blecha. What On Earth Books, 2024. 9781804660317

Rating: 1-5 (5 is an excellent or a Starred review) 5

Format: Hardcover book

Genre: Nonfiction

What did you like about the book:  Kids are assumed to be wiser than adults in this well written non-fiction book from the “How to Teach Grown-Ups” series. Kids are introduced to the science behind climate change and the TWO ways to fix it; the book makes clear that grownups should “choose both.” The two recommendations are to make personal changes, but also to demand change from government and corporations. Along the way, certain text features repeat such as “What you can do” suggestions printed on green leaves and myths that are debunked with large NOPE!(s). One myth is “Aaaaaaaaah it’s the end of the world!” Kids are given tools to help their grownups understand misinformation as well. Clear, factual information based on science and common sense is presented, as well as analogies that help make the information accessible. My favorite analogy in the book is when the carbon footprint of individuals is compared to the carbon footprint of companies and governments: “godzilla-size prints versus your own mouse-size tracks.” Effective infographics like “mammals, by biomass” and a pie chart indicating sources of greenhouse gasses along with cute fun illustrations on nearly every page (the carrot faces are hilarious!) break up the text.

This book is fun, informative, and well structured. Highly recommended for all kids ages 9+.  Includes a quiz for “grownups,” a glossary, author sources, resources for further study, and a comprehensive index. 

Anything you didn’t like about it? No. It’s an excellent resource.

To whom would you recommend this book?  Recommended to students personally interested in climate action, as well as for research purposes. 

Who should buy this book?  All elementary and middle school libraries, as well as public libraries

Where would you shelve it ?  Nonfiction

Should we (librarians/readers) put this on the top of our “to read” piles? No

Reviewer’s Name, Library (or school), City and State: Laura Gardner, Dartmouth Middle School, Dartmouth, MA

Date of review:  June 5, 2024

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