Speck, An Itty-Bitty Epic by Margaux Meganck

Speck, An Itty-Bitty Epic by Margaux Meganck. Alfred A. Knopf, 2024. 9780593301975

Rating: 1-5 (5 is an excellent or a Starred review) 4

Format: Hardcover picture book

What did you like about the book? A speck is a very tiny entity.  It must be very careful to survive, yet being tiny also has some benefits. In the sea it travels unseen to crabs, turtles, clams and sometimes fish. It is carried by currents, searching for a place to stay and grow.  Sometimes it travels with others, sometimes alone. “One tiny speck can get lost in an ocean so vast. Where big feels bigger, and small feels smaller.” It can find a safe place to live and grow on a whale – as a barnacle.

This ocean world is full of movement, full of life and color, beautifully illustrated with colored pencils and watercolors on watercolor paper and Adobe Photoshop.

Anything you did not like about the book? No.

To whom would you recommend this book? This peaceful, calming glimpse into an undersea world might make a soothing addition to bedtime stories

Who should buy this book? Public libraries

Where would you shelve it?  Picture books

Should we (librarians) put this on the top of our “to read” piles? No.

Reviewer’s Name, Library (or school), City: Katrina Yurenka, Retired Librarian, Contributor, Youth Services Book Review

Date of Review:  May 18, 2024

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