Dolphin Rescue by Liz Kessler, illustrated by Joanie Stone

Dolphin Rescue (The World of Emily Windsnap, Book 4) by Liz Kessler, illustrated by Joanie Stone. Candlewick Press, 2024. 9781536228885

Rating:  1-5 (5 is an excellent or a Starred review) 3

Format: Hardcover

Genre: Fantasy

What did you like about the book? Mer-friends Emily, Shona, and Aaron are spending the day together, and want to come up with something different and fun to do.  When they see a boat with “Sea Park: We have the best attractions!” painted on the side, they’re sure it’s a fun boat and they should follow it.  Before they catch up to the boat, they come across two dolphins entangled in nets and quickly free them.  The dolphins, instead of seeming friendly and grateful, bat the trio with their tails and noses and push them deeper underwater, rather than letting them get closer to the Sea Park boat.  Soon enough, Emily and her friends realize the nets were connected to the boat, and the dolphins are actually trying to prevent them from getting caught too.  Worried about the prospect of other sea creatures getting caught and becoming attractions at the Park, the merkids and their new friends come up with an ingenious solution for all involved.

This is another enjoyable outing in the early chapter book series based on the Emily Windsnap middle grade novels.  Six short chapters with manageable vocabulary make the book accessible for beginning readers; cartoonish illustrations add a lot of charm, especially with cute dolphins and seals and colorful fish mingling with the merkids.  The fantasy series is strong with themes of friendship and inclusivity, and this installment incorporates an environmental/ethical aspect as well, which will be very appealing to mermaid fans and animal lovers alike.

Anything you did not like about the book?  No

To whom would you recommend this book?   Readers in 1st grade and up who have read the first three books or who are fans of other magical early chapter book series like The Princess in Black or Unicorn Diaries. Young mermaid fans are always happy for something new, and enjoying this series in primary grades could lead to discovering Emily and her friends again in upper elementary school.

Who should buy this book? Public and elementary school libraries

Where would you shelve it?  Early series/chapter books; fiction

Should we (librarians) put this on the top of our “to read” piles?  No

Reviewer’s Name, Library (or school), City:  Leigh Russell King, Lincoln Street School, Northborough, Massachusetts.

Date of review: June 21, 2024

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