The Kids Book of Black History in Canada by Rosemary Sadlier, illustrated by Arden Taylor

The Kids Book of Black History in Canada by Rosemary Sadlier, illustrated by Arden Taylor. Kids Can Press, 2024. 9781525307379

Rating: 1-5 (5 is an excellent or a Starred review) 4

Format: Hardcover

What did you like about the book? The history of the Black diaspora is not monolithic and this book on Black Canadians does an excellent job of telling the story of Black people who call Canada home. The text begins with the rich history of Black people in Africa. It does a great job highlighting even difficult historical information such as the Atlantic slave trade and its impacts on present-day history. The book also highlights the unknown history of Black Canadians who were cowboys and pioneers. Similar to the U.S., the Canadian government devised a plan for westward expansion, toward Ontario and the vast lands inhabited by indigenous peoples. The book highlights not only historical moments and people, but also addresses the future of Black Canadians and their continued fight for representation. The images are digital creations of various places and people in Canada. The illustrator does an excellent job showcasing diversity within the Black Canadian community. 

Anything you didn’t like about it? No, the book was packed with information I never knew about Canada and Black Canadians. It is a wonderful resource book. 

To whom would you recommend this book? This book is perfect for the youngest history lover, suited for readers age 10 and older. 

Who should buy this book? Middle schools and high schools 

Where would you shelve it? 971.00496 

Should we (librarians/readers) put this on the top of our “to read” piles? Yes

Reviewer’s Name, Library (or school), City and State: Rose Metayer, Boston Latin School, Boston MA

Date of review: May 30, 2024

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