Rica Baptista: A Week of Shenanigans by Janet Costa Bates, illustrated by Gladys Jose

Rica Baptista: A Week of Shenanigans by Janet Costa Bates, illustrated by Gladys Jose. Candlewick Press, 2024. 9781536227666

Rating:  1-5 (5 is an excellent or a Starred review) 4

Format: Hardcover

Genre: Realistic fiction

What did you like about the book?  Rica Baptista is really excited for her annual “Adventure Week” with her Grampy.  Every summer, Grampy spends a week visiting Rica and her parents, and he always plans fun things to do with her and her best friend Laini.  But this year, Grampy arrives on crutches, with a sprained ankle and doctor’s orders to stay off his feet.  Rica’s hopes for a trip to Boston, a boat ride, or a beach day, are dashed.  She and Laini and Grampy put their heads together to come up with fun plans for a “Stayventure Week” instead, with mixed results.  Their first idea, Cartoons, Cards, and Candy Day, results in three people with bellyaches who are grateful for salad and quinoa!  Next up is a talent show for Rica’s 5 year old cousins and their friends; the performances are a hit, but Rica learns that chocolate chips are not the best snack for little kids on a hot summer day.  For their last adventure, Grampy has a bit of cabin fever, so the trio concocts a scheme to get him out of the house – but their “Escapade Extraordinaire” is scuttled before they even get rolling.  Despite her initial disappointment, Rica realizes that happy memories can be made in the simplest of ways.   

Rica’s earnest first-person narration is imbued with humor and heart throughout this charming multigenerational story.  Readers will love the connection she has with her Grampy, especially the jokes they share and the many ways they try to work around Rica’s parents’ rules. Rica’s friendship with Laini is also a highlight; Laini is a solid support for Rica as she contends with her mixed emotions about Grampy’s visit and when her anxiety regarding her school rival Aubrey surfaces.  Cute black and white illustrations of significant scenes enhance the story, and cultural references to Rica’s Cape Verdean heritage add depth and interest.   Those who enjoyed the first book in the series will be glad for the reappearance of many characters from that book as well as the prominent role played by Charley, Rica’s new cat.  

Anything you did not like about the book?  No

To whom would you recommend this book? This series will be a welcome addition to the chapter book section, among the likes of Ivy + Bean, Clementine and Stella Diaz, and is sure to be popular with readers of any of those series.

Who should buy this book? Public and elementary school libraries

Where would you shelve it?  Fiction

Should we (librarians) put this on the top of our “to read” piles?  No

Reviewer’s Name, Library (or school), City:  Leigh Russell King, Lincoln Street School, Northborough, Massachusetts.

Date of review: June 9, 2024

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