Gnome and Rat: Time to Party! by Lauren Stohler

Gnome and Rat: Time to Party! by Lauren Stohler. Alfred A. Knopf, 2024. 9780593487860

Rating:  1-5 (5 is an excellent or a Starred review) 4

Format: Hardcover graphic novel

Genre: Fantasy

What did you like about the book? Gnome’s 133rd birthday is coming up and he wants to do three big things that are “totally extreme and super amazing” – if only he can come up with some ideas!  His furry friends in the Enormous Forest offer some suggestions for the first big idea, but when Rat proposes ice cream for breakfast, Gnome is all in.  Meanwhile, Rat feels a bit left out because there are so many Gnome holidays (like “Tandem Roll-Down-a-Hill Day”), so the duo invents “Raturday” and begin brainstorming how to celebrate that in addition to two more “big things” for Gnome’s big birthday.  And while their plans sometimes backfire, this fun-loving pair always finds a reason to celebrate, even in their mistakes.  

These six party-themed stories will have young readers giggling all the way through.  Every page spread is packed with activity, depicted in well laid-out comic panels and speech bubbles of varying sizes that are easy to follow.  The red-hatted, roly-poly Gnome and his rodent sidekick frolic across a pastel background and their antics are accompanied by onomatopoeia and lots of funny details in the illustrations.  Gnome and Rat’s symbiotic relationship will appeal to readers; Gnome is the rash, spontaneous one who relies on his level-headed bestie to help him solve his problems and clean up his messes. Kids will especially love the 3rd story, in which Gnome decides his second big birthday accomplishment will be to blow the biggest bubble he’s ever blown, from a piece of chewed gum he finds on the forest floor.  Gnome’s misguided persistence is admirable, and so is Rat’s determination to stop him before he gets gum all over his beard.   

Anything you didn’t like?  No

To whom would you recommend this book? 2nd and 3rd grade comics fans who enjoy zany series like Chick and Brain or Phoebe and her Unicorn will want to visit the Enormous Forest to party with Gnome and Rat.

Who should buy this book? Public and elementary school libraries

Where would you shelve it?  Graphic novels/Comics

Should we (librarians) put this on the top of our “to read” piles?  No

Reviewer’s Name, Library (or school), City:  Leigh Russell King, Lincoln Street School, Northborough, Massachusetts.

Date of review: May 16, 2024

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