I Need a Wee! by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet

I Need a Wee! by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet. Aladdin, 9781481490399, 2019

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Rating: 1-5 (5 is an excellent or a Starred review) 5

 Genre: Picture

 What did you like about the book? I like potty books because I always find them to be very helpful for both children and parents. In this story, a cute little blue bear is enjoying a fun-filled day with his friends going on amusement rides. While they are standing in line to go on the ride again, one of his friends notice that bear is dancing, or more specifically, doing the “potty dance”. Initially, bear wants to stay in line but his friends warn him “when you have to go you have to go.” On the way to the bathroom, bear gets distracted by all sorts of things including a bunch of balloons and a party. Fortunately, his friends urge him on saying that they need to find a bathroom before it is too late. As would be expected, there is a huge line for the bathroom and bear is now in a desperate search. He has a few false attempts including a doll’s toilet in a dollhouse and a magician’s hat occupied by a white rabbit but bear finally finds a place to go — and I am sure he has learned a valuable lesson about waiting to long.

The illustrations are an added bonus to this book. The colors are bright and the expressions on the characters are priceless. I loved the different animals in line for the bathroom including a snake that has tied his body in a knot (his version of crossing his legs). This would be a great potty book for showing children how important it is to go when you need to go.

Anything you didn’t like about it?  Nothing

To whom would you recommend this book? Perfect for children between the ages of two and five. Even older children (five-year olds) need to be reminded not to get too caught up in activities and ignore the urge to pee.

Who should buy this book? Public libraries, preschools, daycare centers, anyone who works with children between the ages of two and five.

Where would you shelve it? Picture books

Should we (librarians/readers) put this on the top of our “to read” piles? Yes, potty books are always helpful to young children and their parents.

Reviewer  Kristin Guay, former youth librarian

 Date of review: July 23, 2019

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